Course Information
These courses are designed to provide basic skills to students with personalised learning needs.
Each course has a whole-of-life approach and aims to offer better outcomes in all aspects of students' lives and to assist those with disabilities to access achievable pathways to further training and/or employment outcomes.
Some students may need it for only part of their course load, and others may need these courses for Year 11 before moving into other programs for Year 12.
Students may also select from a range of Level 1 and 2 subjects.
These subjects are "Life Skills" courses and as such some do not attract credit points towards the TCE.
If students are successful in passing these subjects, they will be listed on their Qualifications Certificate issued by TASC.
Online learning programs for Years 11 and 12 (OL)
Hellyer College has access to a range of courses delivered through online learning programs for Years 11 and 12. These programs are designed for students who cannot enrol in their chosen courses at their local college or high school, or are unable to attend face-to-face classes for health or distance reasons.
For more information please contact an Assistant Principal. Current offerings include: Essential Skills - Reading and Writing 2, Essential Skills Maths 2, Essential Skills - Using Computers and the Internet.
Other courses offered will be by negotiation with teachers before the year begins.
Virtual Learning Tasmania (VLT) Tasmanian eSchool
Extension High Schools and colleges may offer subjects through VLT, for health or distance reasons. Students have a regular timetable and the classroom in a virtual environment.